Autoclenz MI - If you can measure it, you can manage it.....

Martin Peters, Sales Director, Autoclenz Group  2 November 2015 11:59:56
Autoclenz MI was launched last month, providing clients with the ability to view their own configured dashboard summarising our service delivery and comparing it against the best performing sites. This is a first in out sector:

This is perfect for dealer groups, allowing a client to monitor our service delivery across multiple locations with a group summary dashboard and a drill down facility to see what is actually happening at each site. These include individual valet checking forms, weekly account audit forms from our account management teams and any individual customer feedback good and bad.

Clients can also view 'red alert' comments and, more importantly, 'red alert' action plans that have been agreed by site.

Each of these activities generates an ACS scoring, which is similar to Nett Promoter scoring.

Having a dashboard for each site and for the group as a whole takes the emotion out of what is the real service delivery.

This data provides an invaluable tool, creating a transparent audit trail of how we service a contract and, more importantly, the trends within it. Over time, this helps drive the service level to be best in class by benchmarking, understanding and delivering the solutions to underperforming sites quickly and consistently.

Join this with our cloud-based PVMS system and you have best-in-class benchmarking on financial and service delivery.

For more information on the above or to discuss the difference at Autoclenz, call us on 01283 554682 or email

Image:Autoclenz MI - If you can measure it, you can manage it.....

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