New Year, New Resolution

Lucy Duggins  25 January 2016 10:00:02
Autoclenz MI is a first in the sector, providing clients with the ability to view their own configured dashboard, summarising our service delivery and comparing it against the best-performing sites.

The data is sourced live from each location and each activity. It also takes direct feedback from the location’s management and the local account management team, the result being a full summary of the service delivery by location.

This data provides an invaluable tool, creating a transparent audit trail of how we service a contract, and, more importantly, the trends within it. Over time, this helps drive service levels to best in class by bench­marking, understanding and delivering the solutions to under-performing sites quickly and consistently.

Financially, we can also highlight the best fit to deliver efficiencies and, ultimately, ongoing cost savings to the client. Each client has a bespoke dashboard for each site and a summary dashboard for the dealer group as a whole. It takes the emotion out of what is the real service delivery.

The driver of all that we do at Autoclenz is to focus on enhancing your customer’s journey. By using Autoclenz MI, we can justify our value-add services and profit opportunities by showing you a genuine ROI.

To arrange a demo of Autoclenz MI and to see the difference at Autoclenz, please call Lucy on 01283 554682
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